Tuesday 1 December 2009

And finally.... luncheon.

A lovely fry-up - well it is a cold and frosty day, got to keep me strength up.... the nice young man in the blue shirt and khaki trews was the barman at The Fellow last night - he looked like he had stepped out of the Blitz - I timidly told me I loved his style and could I please take his photo and he graciously obliged!... love the 'tache and short-back-and-sides, and the dolly with the big hair I started yesterday as a bit of recreational (as opposed to Rescued and Revived) sewing, she will be a Marie Antoinette type with a big head of hair (mohair wool) and a large quantity of garments, starting with a lace trimmed chemise (already done but not in this photo), petticoats including a farthingale (if I can fashion one out of a bit of bendy wire), boned corset and big sumptous dress - there is a lovely doll in the V&A - in the textiles dept. I am inspired by - she is in a glass case and you pull out drawers underneath to see all her wardrobe - she is very exquisite and a little creepy! - go and see for yourself. And the photo of ME! is outside the pop-up shop to be - Kristie and Coralie's Christmas Cooler - at 9 Caledonian Road, it was just round the corner from The Fellow pub so Mandy took the photo.

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